2023 Annual Art Show Showcases Talent


Graphic design wall |Alex Cutler

Savannah Smith and Alex Cutler

Featuring art pieces from paintings to pottery, the annual Hudson High School Art Show adorned the halls with color and creativity, showcasing the work of all grades this past May 11. 

While this annual Art Show features what these students have accomplished throughout the year, it also displays what the Art teachers at Hudson High have been teaching to these students.

Kerri Ann LeSage told us that her favorite part of the entire Art Show has to be, “.. seeing student growth, seeing kids that I’ve taught since eighth grade, and being able to view all their work as a whole as well as seeing how they have grown over the years.” 

While LeSage is one of the very talented art teachers at Hudson High School, there are other educators who are able to teach different types of art such as Erin Jameson who specializes in photography.

Jameson says, “The reason we do the Art Show is to showcase all the students and all of the work they have done throughout the school year including the seniors getting to put together spaces to showcase where they’ve done a lot of their work throughout their four or five years of taking art classes.”

Not only are the teachers at Hudson High able to present what they teach to their kids, but it also allows these students to present their own work to their peers and other families around the Hudson community.

When asked what her favorite piece from the art show was, freshman Adrianna Chaves said, “My favorite piece has to be the painting of the sunset by Jessica McDonald, it’s really pretty and the way that she moves the paint brushes is really impressive.”

Aside from the visual arts presentation Hudson High also showcased a band concert, Camerata, and the launch of the literary journal “The Scribbler” throughout the school. These exhibits featured students from around the school presenting their creativity and skill through different types of art forms.

All around, this annual Art Show and different presentations are a way that Hudson High School features its students and teachers through their work and creativity of all the colorful pieces displayed on the walls and around the school of Hudson High during this time of the year.