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Hudson High Artists Shine: Emma Burney and Kate Sullivan Reflect on Their Passion

Emma Burney's 3D Models | by Ella Spuria
Emma Burney’s 3D Models | by Ella Spuria
Ella Spuria

The Hudson High School community has an amazing group of people that are talented and with notable skills, especially the class of 2025. HHS showcases creative students through their work on The Big Red, The Scribbler, Drama Society, Band and HUD-TV.

Another area where creativity shines is the visual artists. If you walk down the C-pod hallway, the walls are covered with  illustrations, paintings and bright colors.The visual art students share their talents on canvas, through sketches, collage and photography. Two such seniors sat down to share their passion.

Emma Burney first took an art class in 8th grade and discovered her interest in the arts. Following this, Burney found herself taking more art classes and a summer program, where she discovered what makes her soul smile.

“I would say that my favorite type of art is sketching, drawing. I like painting, but I’d say that I prefer sketching,” said Burney.

One of Emma Burney’s sketches | by Ella Spuria

She continued, “When I went to the summer program I did a lot of 3D models and it was really cool.”

Of all her work, Burney is most proud of that 3D model.

Burney is really interested in architecture. Based on that, Frank Loyd Wright is her inspiration.

“I am  interested in architecture, so I really like different architects’ works and whether that’s like building sketches I get inspired by it. The architect that inspires me the most is Frank Loyd Wright, he is just the most famous one that’s why.”

Architecture runs in the Burney’s. “ My mom got into architecture because she works in the field. I found the art inside of architecture.”

After graduating from Hudson High School, Emma Burney plans on continuing creating. According to her, she wants to take a lot of art classes.

“In college I am thinking about majoring in it, I will have to take a lot of art classes. Half of it is probably art. I don’t know what college I want to go to but I go to the University of North Carolina (UNC).  That’s a pretty strong option for me.”

Kate Sullivan’s photography of full moon | by Kate Sullivan

Also in the spotlight, Kate Sullivan is one of our graduating students who shines in the class with her amazing collages and photography. 

For this young artist, photography is more than just a hobby—it’s a way to see and share the world. Her focus is on photography, often mixed with collage and other media, with a special interest in nature and wildlife.

“I’ve always loved art, but I took some art classes in my old middle school that I loved, so I decided to take it in the Hudson High School. After covid, I took some art classes over google meet or something related to that (zoom classes). Every year, I am taking more and more art classes, because I got a camera when I was 13 years old, and I have been taking it everywhere since.”

This passion comes from an inspiration connected to her older brother.

“My older brother, he is 19, two years older than me. He had a camera before and he is very artistic. He loves to sketch and take pictures, so I used to like to do it with him.”

Besides her brother, I took the opportunity to ask Sullivan if she had an artist that makes her really inspired to do her art and according to Kate Sullivan, she follows her own style and seems really interested in different types of activities that instigate her creativity.

Sullivan collects rewards. Her talent was recognized by the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards.

Kate Sullivan’s Collage Journal |by Kate Sullivan

“I won a silver key award for a picture from scholastic and it was last year, but I love that one. The picture was taken when I was in Cape Cod. I just really liked that picture.

Based on collages and pictures that Sullivan took and I had the opportunity to see it, I asked her if she would like to work for big companies that are known for photography and cameras. As indicated by her, Kate Sullivan doesn’t know, however, she wants to get into psychology, but she thinks that doing something related to photography would be satisfactory. 

As the graduation is getting closer, finishing this chapter and starting a new one, I asked Sullivan if she is continuing creating after graduation.

“Yes. Like I said, I want to go into psychology. I would love to take art classes and stuff like that too, and also obviously take pictures with my camera, bring with me for college, but I want a new camera that will be different, and I have an additional camera that I take with me everywhere. However, I definitely want to continue my photography.”

Photography is not only something. It’s not just a picture. For Sullivan it is more than that.

“Photography is something that is captivating, that I can captivate the world around me.” 




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