by Alexa Duplisea
The show focuses on three families, each with a different lifestyle but all odd. In this show the main focus is on the first family Claire, Phil, Luke, Alex and Hailey. Gloria, Jay, Manny and new baby boy are the second family, and lastly Mitchell, Cameron and their adopted daughter Lily are the third family. When I watched the show Modern Family, airing on ABC at 9 p.m. on Wednesday nights, I spent that half hour of my life laughing at their personalities and their quirks.
This show has won an Emmy for “Outstanding Comedy Series” three years in a row now. The award is well deserved because this show is beyond funny. It won that award because it makes it seem like the “Modern Family” is awkward and odd.
With the first family, Phil completes that group; he is a hilarious, lively character. He thinks of himself as a “cool dad” or a “sexually appealing” man and thinks he can always woo his wife. During this episode he tries to woo his wife Claire by using some pick up lines on her. When they are at dinner, he walks in to see Claire, and he asks, “‘Question, did it hurt when you fell from heaven cuz you fell’………I’m gonna come in again.” While trying to say the pick up line, he messes it up, making a fool of himself. He is always funny when he tries to be serious. Then at one point Claire passed out as he was getting excited for their plan packed night. When Phil brings Claire to the hospital, he feels that he was the reason she passed out. “Doctor, this might have been my fault. I think I might have been too sexy.”
In the Valentine’s Day special so much happened that kept the show funny and entertaining. Most characters tried to turn on the charm. They thought they had but ended up acting or saying something to make a fool of themselves. Especially Phil who is so certain his “sexiness” is a problem.
This show is definitely not for younger kids; it contains a lot of adult humor. For this Valentine’s Day special, most of the show was located in bedrooms before bed, as the couples tried to be romantic. Though it was really funny, the title “Modern Family” should not give the impression that this is a family show.
This is one of those shows that as long as someone knows the characters and the idea of the show, they do not have to follow along every week. The shows do not continue on and link together much, so if a viewer misses a show or a few shows he or she can still start watching it again and be able to enjoy it and its comedy. I would rate this show a 4 out of 5 because I really did enjoy watching it, and I do think I will watch it again. One problem that I had though is it is only a 20 minute show if all commercials were taken out.