As ELA MCAS approaches stress levels are rising, Here are my top 5 tips that you can use to prepare yourself to take the MCAS.
Eat a healthy and balanced breakfast
Eating a healthy breakfast is crucial when taking MCAS, you need to be sharp and stay focused to be able to be successful. This all starts with the most important meal of the day: breakfast. Make sure to consume enough carbohydrates to give you long-lasting energy throughout the day and to stay away from sugary foods that will give you bursts of energy but make you feel drained after. According to My Plate, a well-balanced breakfast could include scrambled eggs with whole toast and strawberries.
Don’t cram in too much last-minute studying
Cramming in last-minute studying may sound like it will help you remember content because it will be fresh in your mind, but you will likely find that camming will cause your stress levels to shoot sky-high. Try to stay confident in your knowledge and avoid cramming last-minute studying. According to Williams College psychologist Nate Kornell, Ph.D. “Decades of research have demonstrated that spacing out study sessions over a longer period of time improves long-term memory. if you have 12 hours to spend on a subject, it’s better to study it for three hours each week for four weeks than to cram all 12 hours into week four.”
Prepare for your morning the night before
To minimize stress levels on the day of your test do your best to prepare yourself for school on the night before. According to Seth J. Gillihan Ph.D. for Psychology Today “Having a consistent stress management routine makes it easier to keep stress levels in check.”For example, you can set alarms, prepare an outfit, get ingredients ready to make breakfast, or even just try and mentally map out what the morning before the test is going to look like so you can prepare yourself and not have to worry about scrambling to get to school. Having an organized morning before the test will reduce your stress levels and be a peaceful way to prepare yourself for the MCAS.
Show up early
According to Harvard University Showing up early before a test can give you time to get yourself into a calm relaxed and focused headspace before the test. According to Summahealth.org people who wake earlier are far less likely to develop depression, anxiety, or other mood disorders. On top of that it can also give you time to organize the materials you will be using during the test like a pen, pencil, blank paper, or calculator. Additionally arriving early allows you to choose the seat you feel most comfortable in and that will lead you to a successful test as long as the test procter gives you the option to.
Relax before the test by doing things you enjoy
Everyone has things they enjoy doing to relax and let off steam, like listening to music or exercising. It’s important not to get so caught up in the test that you forget these things. UCLA Estimates are that between 40 and 60% of students have significant test anxiety that interferes with their performing up to their capability. Whether it’s in the upcoming days before the test, right before the test, or even after doing the things that help you relax can reduce stress levels exponentially and help raise your test scores.