Fighting Senioritis


cartoon by Alexis Kitchmire | The Montclarion

Brianna Devlin, Co-Editor-in-Chief

With graduation coming near, seniors are seeing their childhood coming to a close. Turning 18 brings a multitude of

photo from Boston University Undergraduate Program in Neuroscience blog “The Nerve Blog”

emotions, from thoughts of excitement, and anticipation to nervousness and even some sadness are prevalent in many. But what’s seriously prominent in everyone, including me, is the stupor of torpidity. 

The school’s energy comes alive as it gets lighter outside in the mornings and evenings and the temperature begins to warm. The focus within students has shifted from being about grades to working on their tan and trying to get out of math class (sorry Ms. Mongeau)

As May approaches, a “contagion” is traveling throughout the school. But it’s not the flu, nor part of the pandemic. This sickness is not a new occurrence or variant, it is something that comes around every year just like the pollen allergies that you can’t seem to get rid of.

It’s Senioritis.

According to the NACADA Journal’s research,  “When graduation approaches, many experiences an expansive decline of motivation unrecognized by teachers or students until grades begin plummeting (Puente, 2012). Senioritis in secondary-level students includes arriving late to class, exhibiting irritability in the classroom, and investing little effort in both classwork and homework.”

Currently, I have come down with senioritis, as I have been showing up late to school, and am presently ignoring the three failing grades posted in my aspen. Some say that this isn’t a result of laziness, but a burnout of all the late-night papers written and hours of homework done for the past four years. (I say this as someone who has gotten straight A’s all of the high school and am now struggling to even get C’s)

Students for years are constantly striving for the best grade possible, while also dealing with extra-curricular and life outside of school. My mom constantly asks why I magically did not have any assignments at the end of this year, forgetting that I have completed hundreds of them over the years and am so ready to be done with them.

It is proven that kids with a lot of homework starting in grade school and continuing in high school are more likely to develop anxiety according to With this prolonged anxiety over the years, seniors are more likely to result in a “burnout” as they have their college decisions coming in.

According to the College Board,  “Long term, there are a number of negative effects that can result from senioritis. Too often, seniors think their college admission fates are sealed after the acceptance letter arrives. However, colleges typically include a clause that allows them to rescind their offers in the months after acceptance is granted.”

With the decline in school work effort, many students do not understand that their college fate isn’t sealed and could be overturned as the high school year ends, me being included. I caught myself thinking how nothing matters anymore as I already had my future plans set up with a university.

“Many colleges don’t receive final grades until June or July, so if the final report doesn’t align with the information in the application, students may find they’ve lost their spot at the college of their choice,” the College Board states. 

Even just writing this piece seemed to be an insurmountable task, as I did not even start it until two days before the deadline. My worries have become from what grades I can make into A’s, to what days I can skip school and go to the beach. I believe that to decrease the result of a “burnout” at the end of high school, students need to be able to have a little fun and worry less about grades 24/7. Be responsible as always, but make sure to let loose and not worry too much. Senioritis is as real, as it is contagious.