Many Gen Z kids don’t want to pursue college and instead want to go into trade schools. Some reasons that these kids didn’t see college in the picture were for financial reasons and how expensive college is.
Some millennials are still having to pay student loans from when they graduated 10 to 20 years ago. For example my Journalism teacher just ended paying her student loans during april vacation after graduating in 2004.
Now a 32 year old man Sy Kirby teaches some of his employees trade skills instead of them spending thousands of dollars on skills in college that may not even help them in their future. Some downsides of this is coming home dirty to family members.
This shows that college isn’t as important as it seems. More than half of these people think that you can definitely get a well paying job with only a high school degree. There are also facts that show there are a majority of latino men in construction and not a ton of women.
These Gen Z kids have been not going to college and the amount of people not going is decreasing fastly. Sy Kirby is being interviewed and is asked if he ever regretted going into trade and he just laughs and says ¨not for a second¨.