Best of Friends Take Action

Shining the Light on a Civil Action Project in Action

Ti-Ti and Amelia plan out their March Hudson food drive | photo from hhs_cap_projects Instagram

Olivia Downin, Staff Writer

Though plentiful with supplies during the Thanksgiving and Holiday season, food pantries experience a dearth of donations and empty shelves during the early spring. Best friends and classmates Thuy-Tien Nygen and Amelia Dufour teamed up to stock the Hudson food pantry this past March

This is part of their Civil Action Project or CAP. Sophomores Dufour and Nyguen have taken on the issue of food insecurity.

“Our project is about making the Hudson community aware of food insecurity. We also want to destigmatize the issue and make it something that is talked about especially since covid caused a lot of issues around food insecurities for many families” said Nguyen. 

2021-2022 is the year CAP was reintroduced to the high school. CAP is a requirement for sophomore graduation. All sophomores chose a topic to make a change toward and work over the course of months to improve their chosen issue.

Hudson Food Pantry

Other sophomores have chosen CAP topics, such as mental health, cultural inclusivity, and menstrual product access to students. 

In total there are 54 groups doing Civil Action Projects this year. 

“I’ve enjoyed the process because I know at the beginning students were very hesitant to email people they didn’t know, call people on the phone they didn’t know, and I don’t see that kind of hesitation anymore,” said 10th grade English teacher Mrs. Vessels. 

Dufour and Nguyen have made many steps to help fix food insecurity in Hudson, one of them is hosting a Saint Patricks Day Food drive. 

“Were doing a lucky food drive it ended on the 17th, if you don’t know is St, Patrick’s day because a lot of the time the Hudson Community Food Pantry get a lot of donations around the winter holidays such as Thanksgiving and Christmas but they lack stuff around March and April,” said Dufour, she continued, “people need to give year-round.” 

The final CAP showcase was Tuesday, April 26th. All CAP groups showed off their projects to the Hudson Community and explained how they worked to make a change. 

When asked about her experience with the project, Dufour responded, “It’s really great. Also, working with Ti-Ti makes it a lot easier because I have someone I can trust and that I know will work well with me and get things done.”