Interact Club: Engaging with Positivity to Awareness

Cheryl Rosen Photography
Current Interact Club Members with Advisor Pam Porter.
One night a year, high school friends and friends of the high school come together to test their knowledge. Making memories with people in a unique way, Hudson Interact Club‘s Trivia Night has become a highlight of the year. This year, all profits will go to benefit the recovery of Hudson resident and Veteran Police Sargeant Scott Chaulk.

“We host trivia night because it’s a fun way for friends and families to come together,” sophomore Samantha Santana said, “It also gives back as all proceeds from the night are going towards the Chaulk family.”
Chaulk suffered a stroke while visiting his son in Barcelona in October. After months of hospitalization in Spain, he returned home and is still hospitalized.
A Go Fund Me was made for him to help fund his recovery without having to worry about the financial burden. Currently, the Go Fund Me page has raised $70,950 of the $75,000 goal and the Trivia Night hopes to help the family achieve that goal.
Although giving back is a main focus and goal, the night helps build the community.
“It’s really fun, everyone is having fun,” senior, Julia Moriera explained, “It’s competitive in a fun way, nothing like life or death.”
Participants made connections with those they may not have before.
“I got to talk to people in my grade I haven’t before,” senior Ingrid De Souza Olivera said.
Even those who have fewer similarities branched out into the competition, as not only HHS students are invited, those in the Hudson community are welcomed too.
“You get to meet good people,” Moriera elaborated, “get closer, all around its so much fun.”
Prizes are won and food is served but that isn’t the purpose of Trivia Night, it’s a night that helps grow and support the Hudson community, one of the main goals of the Interact Club.

Origins of The Interact Club
Walking into a new experience for the first time might be scary, but for members of the Interact Club, Wednesdays in F105 has become a second home.
“I came here the first day and I felt welcomed even though I only knew two people,” Santana said, “I can come here when I want to be comfortable.”
Though this club is a pleasant place for its members, the base of it expands to the entire community.
The Interact Club, advised by history teacher Pam Porter began as a community service club for six years. In 2018, they partnered with the Hudson Rotary Club. The Rotary Club sponsors 20,372 Interact Clubs in 159 countries across the world, with Hudson being one of them.
Interact clubs bring together young people ages 12-18 to develop leadership skills while discovering the power of Service Above Self. Current officers include Co-President- Maggie Moran, Co-President- Alyssa Stevens, Co-Vice President- Alex Colleoni-Pimenta, Co-Vice President- Anthony Burnett, Co-Secretary- Julia Moreira, Co-Secretary- Kaleigh Brennan, as well as Co- Treasurer- Dani Fonseca and Co-Treasurer- Ingrid DeOliveira.

“Students wanted opportunities to help their communities,” advisor, Pamela Porter said, “build leadership skills and find ways to be civically engaged. ”
During a recent meeting, members gathered around one desk, discussing their plans for future events, all smiling radiating warmth. And it all grew from a simple idea.
“I like the whole concept of the club,” De Souza Olivera said, “The fact that we’re helping people and giving back to the community, that’s something I really like to do.”
It’s a club where students are able to work together as well as express their independence.

“I am proud of the students and the work they are doing,” Porter said, “Some days students run the meetings entirely by themselves and other times we work together to accomplish what is needed.”
Events range from collecting loose change for UNICEF to leaving notes for students during potentially stressful times.
“A lot of the events we do make kids happy, one was at pumpkin fest where they got to paint pumpkins,” Santana said, “Seeing the smiles on their faces is fulfilling.”
This year, they have already participated in the Annual Rotary Club Dinner, hosted the Scarecrow Walk at the Hudson, the Rectober Fest craft station and bake sale, Day of Positivity, Trick or Treat for UNICEF, Veterans Day Parade as well as Giving Thanks to Veterans through cards. After the December Break, they held another Day of Positivity, prior to midterms. The Trivia Night will be the 9th activity they’ve organized this year.
The memories members make wouldn’t be possible if they hadn’t stepped into the club when they first did.

“Originally I wanted to do it for the community service,” junior Anthony Burnett said, “then it eventually morphed into something I actually enjoyed doing, I like the events we hold.”
Even newer members hold a similar mentality.
“It’s one thing volunteering in the background,” freshman, Ashley Bryan said, “but interacting with your community, you’re right there, and that’s what it’s all about.”

Veronica Mildish, member of the Class of 2021, is a fourth-year editor for The Big Red. Since joining the editorial staff her freshman year, Mildish's...
Ms. Porter • Mar 14, 2020 at 7:05 pm
Thank you for the publicity. I am glad to see students engaging with their communities and being civic minded.