Teachers Remember Class of 2021
May 27, 2021

With five years in the building, the class of 2021 has made a lasting impact on their teachers.
Gym teacher Jonathan Lesage said, “I think the biggest memory from the class of 2021 will be the kindness (for the most part) your class has shown.”
“Peers helping each other, looking out for one another, laughing together, and we as a wellness department have never had more students looking to help set up or clean up activities, it has been a really nice group,” Lesage elaborated.
Teachers noted not only the kindness but the growth of the class.
“I can speak to the growth in maturity and academic ability over the last four years from many of you,” business teacher, Kristopher Langan said, “Witnessing the sometimes awkward and quiet freshman grow into outgoing and confident seniors has been a great privilege.”
Former teachers remarked on their memories of the class as well.

“I’ve never been memed so much as I have with this outgoing group of seniors,” former English teacher Shane McArdle said, “And when they were only freshmen. Liam Kiernan is by far the most gifted and genuinely funny user of my likeness. All rights reserved.”
“I do have a specific memory of Ilan and Gianna having a really intense conversation about biology after class one day just out of pure interest,” former science teacher Jenna Hoffman said, “It made my science teacher heart very happy listening in.”
Classrooms sparked many memories.
“I remember the amazingly creative anatomy board games that the class made and we played the day before Christmas break,” Hoffman said, “Logan (her son) came to school with me that day and they played the games with him. He still talks about that.”
Former history teacher Katie Neff recounted on “amazing and creative 13 Colonies Projects,” the seniors being “one of the most spirited classes I’ve taught,” and “a million laughs in the classroom together!”
“Some of you will remember arriving at our classroom door and all the furniture had been removed because we needed to ‘sit and talk.’” world cultures teacher June Murray addressed, “Your willingness to be vulnerable with me and your classmates has left me awed and allowed us to move forward through difficulties.”

“This was one of my most loved group of kids,” Neff said, “I look back so fondly on that year with them.”
Even memories outside of the classroom stayed with teachers.
“A handful of us traveled to Spain together two years ago,” technology teacher Arianna Ciesluk explained, “We spent time making friendship bracelets on the plane and exploring the cities of Spain – this is one of my favorite trips I’ve ever chaperoned!”

“I took my wife to Freshman Game Night to acknowledge the work that (Julia) Stokonis and others put into it,” McArdle said, “We were going to have dinner in town but by the time we left the reservation list at Rail Trail was incredibly long.”
As time was restricted with their babysitter, they weren’t going to be able to have dinner, when Mikey Peckham, a student that worked there, made a call and had them sat immediately.
“It helps to have good students,” McArdle explained, “But this is who the class is. A strong group of kids.”
“I remember the positive energy that the class of 2021 brought every day to class,” Hoffman said, “We always had great discussions with lots of laughs.”
Murray recounted, “We have laughed…a lot, and there have been some tears. We have tried to unpack tough stuff like change is inevitable and the necessity of letting go.”
“This class is very special to me because we started at HHS together. They are my first group of students I had from 8th grade to graduation,” Ciesluk said, “They taught me a lot my first year of teaching and coaching! I’m so thankful I had five years with them; I couldn’t imagine a greater group to have spent my first five years with.”
“I appreciate the time and unique experiences that each of you brought to my classes,” Langan said, “We often hear of how teachers have an impact on student’s lives, but in all truth, each of you has had an impact on mine.”