Second-grader Jacob Hermann studies during online classes | Photo Courtesy of Stephanie Hermann
Schools in for Spring
Elementary and Middle Schools head back full time to In-Person School Learning next week.
April 1, 2021
Hudson students will return to five day in-person instruction after taking classes behind a computer screen the past year.
With COVID-19 restrictions lifting, all schools will return to five day in-person instruction. The change begins with the elementary schools as well as the middle school beginning Monday, April 5. Since last spring, students have been taking classes in some form of virtual learning as part of their school year.

“This change will allow teachers to teach uniformly to all students instead of cohorts A and B,” superintendent Dr. Marco Rodrigues said, “It will provide them the opportunity to return to a schedule similar to pre-COVID times.”
Teachers echoed the sentiment, acknowledging that preparing for both remote and in class learning was a challenge.
“It will be easier for me to only have to plan for in-person instruction.” Mulready Kindergarten teacher, Julie McGowgan explained.
The positives are present for students as well.
“The students will benefit from the consistency of going into school everyday and from having the teacher there at all times to support their learning,” McGowgan said, “They will also benefit from the increased opportunities to socialize with their peers.”
The move to in-person learning will be a change from what students have become accustomed to this past year, as they’ve been separated from their classmates while they learn from home.
“I think it’s kind of obvious how school is different,” second grader at Forest Ave, Sean Topham said, “We haven’t been all going to school together. We have different cohorts and sometimes your best friend is in a different cohort than you and you never get to see them.”
Not only has the way of learning been an adjustment, but the social piece of school was missing for many students.
“I have missed my friends,” second grader at Forest Ave, Jacob Hermann said, he also looks forward to “having more people at lunch to talk to.”
His sister reflected a similar sentiment.

“I have missed everybody in school,” second grader at Forest Ave, Ava Hermann said, “I am excited to be going back full time.”
Not all students share this excitement.
“I don’t think I’ve missed anything from in person school,” Topham said, “I don’t really want to go back.”
With students returning to school, some have expressed concerns regarding their school work.
“I just want to do all my work so I don’t end up feeling like ‘what am I supposed to be doing?’ when we go back to in person school,” Topham explained.
Other students expressed more concern regarding their health.
Fourth grader at Mulready Elementary, Alex Joslyn said she fears “accidentally getting COVID.”
Though there is still the possibility Hudson Public Schools continue to mitigate with precautions for everyone’s safety.
“We will follow all state guidelines and protocols and will continue to observe all mitigating practices,” Dr. Rodrigues said.
McGowgan reflected comfort in the district’s protocols.
“Our custodial staff and nurses have been vigilant with their commitment to the health and safety of everyone in our building,” McGowgan said, “I know that this will continue to be the case.”
With everyone’s safety on the forefront many are eagerly awaiting the return to in-person learning.
“I just can’t wait to see all my friends,” Joslyn said.
Teachers reflect a similar joy for unity
“April 5th will be a day that we will celebrate finally being able to be all together as a class,” McGowgan said.