Operation Flags for Vets
December 16, 2019
My family has been involved with this memorial service on Cape Cod for many years. Many of us in the Hudson High Community honor our servicemen and women in a multitude of ways. This past Veteran’s Day, I was able to pay tribute and respect
The sun shone brightly over the Massachusetts National Cemetery in Bourne on a brisk November morning while hundreds of people gathered to honor our nation’s heroes by placing nearly 77,000 flags on each grave.
Paul Monti coordinates this powerful event twice a year in honor of his late son, Jared Monti who lost his life in Afghanistan in, 2006. With honoring Jared, the group honors 77,000 other soldiers that fought for our freedom. The event also takes place on Memorial Day in May
“As you place the flags at the gravesites please read the name of the fallen vet so they may be remembered,” said Monti.