Girls group at Hawk Wars dressed as Scooby Doo characters. From Right, Jordyn Yates, Brianna Lento, Sophia Kovacs, Leah Chignon, and Megan Leahy.
Senior Memories from a Graduating Senior
As the class of 2019 begins to say goodbye to their 5 years at HHS, many seniors have reflected on their favorite memories throughout their journey.
Celina Chaves and Maya Levine also explained their feelings about leaving HHS and the arts community. “I will miss all the people and events through drama society, and all the friends I have made,” said Levine.
Both Chaves and Levine have done almost every musical in their time at HHS and shined beautifully.
Dalicia Rodrigues also elaborated on her time working in the art hall.
“My favorite memory was the art show because it was really cool to see all my work over the years together,” Rodrigues explained.
Brianna Lento explained how she will miss many things like Mr. HHS and Hawk Wars.
“Mr. HHS was my favorite memory because I was working with the best group of people. Not a moment was dull with these boys as Mrs. Ciesluk and Ms. Cothran,” Lento elaborated, “Hawk Wars was another great memory because I got to compete in embarrassing obstacles with my best friends.”
Many seniors also liked the DC trip taken during freshman year because of the new adventures.
“DC was another one of my favorite memories because I got to explore new places with my friends, especially playing hide and seek in museums,” Lento explained.
Matt Garceau echoed his enjoyment of the trip.
“I really liked going around to the museums and being with my friends,” Garceau said.
Being a part of a team was also very important for many seniors including Mike Sourial and Cam Miele.
“I’m going to miss playing hockey and lacrosse every year and Mr. HHS,” Miele explained.
Sourial also shared a fond memory with a team.
“My favorite senior memory was scoring a touchdown against Oakmont with my team,” Sourial said.
The HHS cheer team also had an amazing victory during senior captain Rachel Matisko’s final year.
“I really enjoyed winning state championships with my cheer team. I will really miss them and the experience at college,” Matisko said.
As we dig deeper into the class of 2019, more students elaborate on their older memories.
“Boat Cruise was my favorite memory because it was the first big event that we came together as a class,” senior Mackenzie Chaves said.
Other seniors loved different dances.
“Homecoming every year was so fun in my opinion, I loved spending time with people I did not get to see in school a lot and meeting new friends,” senior Laysse Basserra said.
Many seniors have all different memories, and although manure happy to be graduating. As a senior, I find it bittersweet. I know we will all miss the field trips, lunchtime laughs and everything in between. Here is to the class of 2019 and its amazing years at HHS.